The world of fitness can be scary if you’re only just beginning your journey. There s so much to think about and consider, you never really know if you’re doing to right thing or heading in the right direction.
That’s why, it would always be best to get in touch with us here at Fitness Gym to get the very best, most personalised advice, based on your individual needs and preferences.
With that being said, this page will explain a little more about the basic workouts and programmes that you may want to undertake. Every workout mentioned here can be rolled into a personalised programme when you sign up to a 12 month membership at Fitness Hub gym. Contact us to find out more and to see if a workout programme is right for you.
HIIT is definitely one of the most popular workouts out there right now. It’s amazing for getting your heart rate up and keeping it there, keeping your body in the fat burning zone for as long as possible. if you haven’t heard of it already, the premise is pretty simple: short intervals of high energy and longer intervals of low energy.
It’s really important to make sure you keep yourself moving during the intervals of low intensity as stopping for too long after the high intensity interval can cause blood to pool in your body because of how hard your heart is working.
High Intensity Interval Training is one of the best ways to lose weight and tone up. One of the best things about this type of workout is that you can burn calories for up to 48 hours afterwards if you do it right!
Strength Training
I am so happy that so many people (especially women!) are coming round to the idea of strength training as a serious way to get fit. It’s not all about being a juice head and getting as big as possible, weight training is one of the best ways to burn fat and tone up.
The reason strength training is so good for calorie burning (if you do it right!), is because, if you train the larger muscles in your body, they use more energy. Using more energy equals burning more calories. Plus, if you’re training all the muscles in your body, you naturally lose the fat that is covering the muscle.
Always start small and work your way up as strength training is one of the easiest ways to get hurt while working out. I’d also recommend booking a PT session so you can be advised on correct form and posture to avoid any injuries.
Weight Loss
Weight loss is a marathon not a sprint – but your workouts shouldn’t be like that! Long, hard slogs of cardio are the most inefficient way to lose weight. Sure, the machine may say you’ve lost plenty of calories, but in reality, you’re not burning that much more than what you would as your resting metabolic rate.
So, mix up your workouts, don’t stay on the treadmill too long!