If you aren’t using CBD already, there’s a good chance you should be. It is natural, safe, easily accessible ( especially from sites like https://buymellow.com/ ) has very few side effects, and is a non-habit-forming way to treat a variety of ailments. Some may tout it as a miracle cure, which may be a stretch of the imagination, but it is proven to have an incredible amount of health benefits and is far from the snake oil cure many have thought it to be in the past.
If you’re looking to start using CBD in your daily life, here are a few of the reasons you should shop CBD ASAP!
First, what is CBD?
CBD is the part of the cannabis plant with all the good stuff and none of the psychoactive properties that its counterpart THC provides. That means that hemp-derived CBD products are legal in states where cannabis is illegal (unlike Canada, where marijuana has been fully legalized since 2018, and people can read things like this thechronfather review to see if they might want to purchase products from there). CBD oils should have less than 0.3% THC and will not give you a “high” feeling, but you’ll still be reaping all the health benefits that cannabis has to offer. You can use it in many different ways as well; tinctures, creams, softgels. You can even vape it too – see CBD Queen for examples.
It helps manage anxiety.
The most common mental disorder that humans suffer from is anxiety. Anxiety can manifest itself in a variety of ways and CBD has been shown to help manage a variety of anxiety types. From social anxiety to public speaking anxiety to general panic disorder, CBD has shown to be effective. Scientists are not sure why CBD has such an impact on these conditions, but they believe they may alter serotonin signals in the brain. Whatever the reason may be, we know CBD is a safer bet for those with anxiety than habit-forming prescription drugs. It may also be effective in managing mild forms of depression.
It reduces pain and inflammation.
CBD is also shown to aid with pain management and reduce inflammation in the body. Those suffering from conditions such as arthritis can use CBD as a more natural alternative to typical pain medication and anti-inflammatory medication. CBD has also shown to be effective in managing migraine headaches as well as improving gastrointestinal functions for those suffering from GERD. The most promising research has been done around CBD for epilepsy, and one CBD drug has even been created to decrease epileptic episodes in patients. If you’re suffering from any form of chronic pain, CBD may be a good choice for you.
It may improve heart health.
There has been some promising research done about CBD and heart health. Studies show that CBD can be effective in lowering blood pressure as well as heart damage prevention, as it has strong antioxidant properties. Another source of heart damage may come from increased anxiety levels, so treating your anxiety with CBD may also have a positive impact on your heart.
Now that you know the ‘why’ to using CBD, you should also be familiar with the ‘how’ part. Dabbing is considered as one of the most popular consumption methods among cannabis users. Though there are several effective ways to dab, many believe that dab tools and accessories are more beneficial compared to joints. If at all you’re confused as to where to look for dab tools, you could look into sites such as Fat Buddha Glass and similar ones.