Mistakes That Every Average HIIT Enthusiast Makes

HIIT has taken the fitness industry by storm, but the lack of complete knowledge has forced people to commit many errors. Do you also feel tired or prone to injuries after this workout? If yes, then level up your game. Here are common mistakes that HIIT enthusiasts make Working out for too long HIIT workout […]

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What Makes A Man Well Dressed? Your Ultimate Fashion Guide

If you want to stop being the average bloke from the neighborhood, then you should know some basics of being a sharp dressed man. Gentlemen, open your notepad and start evaluating yourself. I am going to reveal the secrets of well-dressed men that you can use to up your ante and slay. Keeping it simple […]

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Life Changing Tips For Young Men Who Want To Be Their Best

Today, I want to talk about something exciting and useful. I would like to share some rules that are based on my experience and perception. I would have loved if anybody told them to me in my 20s but I won’t let you suffer like most of the people of my generation did. Take actions […]

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Preparing For Your First Ironman Challenge

The Ironman challenge is not a piece of cake. It is the most challenging sport that even the fittest men on earth may not be able to compete for. Read the whole article to build a solid foundation for becoming the premier athlete. Set up your mind Before taking any action, make sure you have […]

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Invest In Yourself And Get A Life Makeover

Almost all of us feel the need for a better life, but few of us know the path towards it. It would be a pleasure to give you some tips that helped me become successful and a better individual. Get up from the couch The first and foremost change should start from being active. Your […]

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Diet Tips for Skinny Guys To Build Muscle

Every individual has a unique dietary requirement for muscle gain, but some guidelines can be followed universally. If you are skinny, gaining muscle could be tougher for you. Make sure that you read these tips and get a sculpted body. Do not compromise on protein intake Almost everybody knows the importance of protein in building […]

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Types of Stretching That You Should Know About

Stretching is an essential aspect of physical training. If you ever started exercising without stretching, you must have felt difficulty or discomfort. Without adequate stretching, you even increase the chances of injury. There are different methods of stretching that you can incorporate into your physical routine to keep your muscles in top shape. Static stretching […]

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Debunking Cardio Myths That May Haunt You Forever

From negative to illogical, many myths have made cardio a laughing stock in the fitness community. It’s time to save you from making a mistake. Here are few cardio myths you should know about before hitting your next session. More cardio results in more fat loss Cardio workouts have always been misused for fat loss. […]

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Stay Relaxed A Guide to Remain Calm in A Tense World

Have you ever wondered why it is so difficult to remain calm in today’s world? As soon as you wake up, you could have an information overload through your phone. News stories, reviews, apps, opinions and people- all are sending you different types of information and it could be very damaging to your mental health. […]

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The Benefits Of Pranayama And Why It Should Be A Part Of Your Routine

Yoga is not just about low-intensity workouts. It has a separate branch for breathing exercises known as pranayama. Breathing exercises have a variety of health benefits and thus, it is a good practice to indulge in such exercises from time to time. If your breathing issues are something that have taken a toll on your […]

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