Every individual has a unique dietary requirement for muscle gain, but some guidelines can be followed universally. If you are skinny, gaining muscle could be tougher for you. Make sure that you read these tips and get a sculpted body.
Do not compromise on protein intake
Almost everybody knows the importance of protein in building muscle but only a few know that our body cannot store protein. Yes, unlike fat, our body is constantly using protein for repairing muscle fiber and producing hormones. This continuous drainage of protein can only be complemented by eating adequate amounts of protein daily. You can source protein from natural food like meat, dairy products, poultry, and seafood. It is also possible to get the necessary amount of protein from consuming Steel supplements or a similar product that could help your body repair muscle damage faster and help you recover quicker.
Pay attention to veggies
It’s not just meats and eggs that your body needs for getting in shape. People often ignore the fact that vegetables are an essential aspect of building muscle. Any bodybuilder who lacks knowledge about vegetable intake will never be able to gain size through carbohydrates and protein alone. Competitive bodybuilders need to take 5 to 6 servings of vegetables every day to supply minerals and vitamins to them. The average gym member should also consume enough vegetables to gain muscle size and strength. Vegetables also provide fibre which is essential for making a high-protein diet work.
Don’t ignore Vitamin C
Being one of the most powerful naturally available antioxidants, Vitamin C helps in the synthesis of amino acids and hormones while boosting collagen production. Moreover, it protects our immune system from damage and saves us from numerous health issues. Just like protein, our body is unable to store Vitamin C; hence it should be regularly supplied for optimal benefit. You can also consume 500-1,000 mg of multivitamins each day.
Eat foods that promote hormone health
For those aiming to build muscle, it’s crucial to consume foods that support hormone health. Focus on a diet rich in protein, healthy fats, and carbohydrates, as these nutrients play a key role in stimulating testosterone production and fostering muscle growth. Maintaining adequate testosterone levels is essential for improving performance and building muscle. If needed, you can opt for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) at a TRT Clinic North Scottsdale, or a location nearby, to boost testosterone levels and further support your muscle-building goals.
Consume carbohydrates strategically
You can burn excess fat and boost your metabolic rate if you cycle between high and low-carb days. Our body is designed to store fat and eating high amounts of carbohydrates will lead to fat storage. On the other hand, eating a low-carb diet will force your body to break down muscle tissue for energy. You will have to balance both strategies to maintain a healthy and fit body. As a rule of thumb, you can go for a high-carb diet after every 3 to 5 days of low-carb intake.
I always tell my clients that diet is more important than exercise. Make sure you keep these tips in mind while building muscle. As a skinny person, you can eat too many carbs and fats for muscle gain. Don’t make this mistake. Adopt the slow and steady approach to a healthier body and better muscle growth.