If you’re new to the world of fitness or are a seasoned health nut, you’ll probably know that the health and fitness world is like one big family. There’s a reason people hashtag #FitFam all over social media!
We’re a group of people who are supportive, inclusive and friendly and there’s no better atmosphere than a good gym with good people. There are always people around to give you a helping hand or friendly advice or even just an ear to listen, it’s part of what makes a fit fam so lovely to be a part of.
Fitness Hub is absolutely no different. Whether you’re joining me in my gym or just visiting from further afield on my blog, we’re a community of people all looking for the same thing – guidance and advice on how to be the best we can be with regards to our physical and mental health.
This family atmosphere is one of the many reasons I actively encourage people to get in touch with me and start a dialogue with me, my writers, my team and other members of the community. Comments are active on all of my blog posts to encourage debate and discussion on the topics and the more people who get involved, the richer and more valuable the content is on these pages.
If you’re a bit more shy about commenting on the internet, then you’re more than welcome to send me a private message using the contact form below. I operate a strict confidentiality practice and everything you send is considered confidential unless otherwise stated. I love to post progress pictures from my clients as, more often than not, they’re super proud of how far they’ve come and want to shout it to the world! If you send me progress pictures from my programmes, I’d really appreciate it if you could write express content that I can share them – it saves a lot of hassle down the road!
You can also use my contact form to ask me questions, share some insights or just have a moan! I check my emails daily but get quite a lot from my 12000 unique visitors per month so please bear with me when it comes to replying!
You can also use this page if you’re interested in advertising, becoming a sponsor or are looking to publish content on Fitness Hub.
Enquiries About Gym Membership
For information about gym memberships, I hope you’ll be able to find most of the information you need on this page.
We work flexi-style on our gym memberships and are open to discussion about how Fitness Hub can work for you. For basic rates, please see below:
Pay As You Go
Adult: £4 per visit
Student: £3.50 per visit
Senior: £3.50 per visit
Individual Classes: £6 per class (non-refundable)
Classes included at discount rate of £3 per class (non-refundable)
Adult: £30 per month
Student: £25 per month
Senior: £25 per month
6 Month Contract
Classes Included at discount rate of £3 per class (non-refundable)
Adult: £153 bi-annually
Student: £127.50 bi-annually
Senior: £127.50 bi-annually
12 Month Contract
Classes included FREE
Adult: £252 one off payment
Student: £210 one off payment
Senior: £210 one off payment
Payment for Monthly, 6 Month and 12 Month contracts are taken via direct debit from your specified bank account. Failure to pay after three reminders will result in termination of contract and possible ban from Fitness Hub. Contact us for more information.