When you train, you train to be the best. It should reflect in every part of your life and shape who you are and the direction you’re heading.
There’s nothing quite like the feeling of being the very best you know you can be, yet still striving for more and working to break down all the barriers that you’ve built against yourself.
As a personal trainer, I’ve worked with all shapes and sizes from all sorts of backgrounds and everyone had one thing in common – they want to feel better about themselves. I always joke that being a personal trainer is only 75% fitness and nutrition, the rest is being a therapist. Fitness is cathartic, it’s healing and it’s cathartic and it can change people’s lives.
Personal Trainer Joe
So I suppose you’re wondering what it is that makes me qualified to write a hugely successful blog on health and fitness and what it is that makes me the best person to go to for advice about your fitness regime and nutrition.
All great queries, but I’m here to tell you exactly why Fitness Hub should be your one-stop shop for everything you need to know about fitness.
My name is Joe and I’ve been a personal trainer for just over 12 years. I started my career pretty much straight out school after completing GCSEs in physical education and sports science. I got a part-time job working as a gym lackey while I pursued A-Levels in biology, sports science, and psychology. Some may consider these a strange mix, but these SA Levels give a basic knowledge of everything you need to be a personal trainer.
From there, I went on to University and studied for my degree in Sports Science. Again, this built an amazing foundation for really understanding how the body works and how we can influence this. While I was at university, I undertook a private course for a Personal Trainer qualification, gaining my level 2 gym instruction and level 3 personal training in less than six months.
When I graduated university, I was so ready to start changing people’s lives. Thanks to all my qualifications and experience, I got a job in a gym as an in-house trainer ridiculously quickly and built up my client base for around 6 years. Throughout this time, I scrimped and saved and, by the time I was done with this, I was ready to buy my own gym.
Joe’s Gym
So, after six years of working as a slave to a big corporation, I set up my own gym and started building my empire from the ground up. Luckily, my client base at my previous gym was really loyal to me and most followed me to my new adventure.
I base my gym on three core principles: work hard, train hard, play hard. We go hard as hell in my gym, but we also have fun. That’s what fitness should be about. It’s not about hating yourself into submissions, it’s about enjoying yourself and learning to love yourself.
As well as having standard gym equipment where people can come and train on their own terms, I also run a whole host of different classes to help people reach their fitness goals. I specialize in HIIT, but I also know my way around a yoga mat and kettlebells too!
There’s something for everyone at my gym and I love seeing people leave with a smile on their face and sweat dripping off their body.
Fitness Hub Blog
I named my blog after my gym – Fitness Hub, and originally, it was used as just my gym website. Occasionally, I would post blogs about what’s been going on in the gym and little bits of advice and I soon realized that these were the pages that were getting the most hits and were being visited time and time again, so I shifted the purpose of my website to be mainly a blog, with a little bit of gym information to boot.
So now that the focus is on writing great quality content for the people who need it most, you’ll find nutrition information, workout guides as well as news from the fitness industry and breakthroughs in sports science.
I don’t only get visitors to the site from my gym, my analytics show that people from all over the world come here to get valuable information that will help them on their fitness journey. I love speaking to people from all cultures and backgrounds to offer free advice on what is best for them.
So take a look around, read the blogs and get in touch with me. If you’re in my local area, I’d love to have you visit the gym! You can check our opening times and pop in whenever you’d like!